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Business Advisory Subsidy Application Form

PEAK has stopped accepting applications for subsidy that covers business advisory services!

This is an application form for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to apply for the PEAK Business Advisory Subsidy (BAS) Scheme. It is assumed that the MSMEs have gone through PEAK’s Business Diagnostic process and received a diagnostic dashboard report.
To be eligible to receive assistance, this application must be completed in its entirety for prompt consideration. Information submitted will be held in strictest confidence and used only for the purpose of assessing your business’s eligibility for assistance and to provide targeted support to your company, should you be approved for participation in this programme. If you have any questions regarding this form or other aspects of the PEAK project, please feel free to contact Anar Orozobaeva by email at
This application contains three sections:
(a) Company Information
(b) BAS Project Plan
(c) Self-Declaration

    A – Company Information

    1.Business or company’s name:

    2.Location of business headquarters:



    3.Name and title of company representative completing this application form:

    Last name*:

    First name*:

    Job position:

    4.Contact information of company representative:




    5.Markets – current local and international markets served




    NoYes, specify

    6.Have you completed the PEAK Business Diagnostic?

    YesNo (You need to complete it before applying to the subsidy)

    7.Have you received a subsidy from PEAK before?


    8.Have you participated in PEAK business support (eg. acceleration) programmes previously?


    9.Have you ever used the services of an external Business Advisor in the


    10.If yes, how did you pay for it?

    Own fundingExternal fundingBoth own and external funding

    11.Please provide sales revenues data

    Company’s annual sales for 2018:

    Company’s annual sales for 2019:

    Company’s annual sales for 2020:

    Company’s annual sales for 2021 (expected):

    Company’s annual sales for 2022 (projected):

    B - BAS Project Plan

    12.Please describe the constraint/opportunity that you want to address through the BAS project and PEAK subsidy.
    (Instruction: please add in a narrative form, and as clearly as possible, the challenges, gaps that you would like to address. Please indicate which recommendations from the Business Diagnostic report this BAS project addresses.)

    Please describe how the implemented BAS project will improve your business:
    - Describe your current vs. improved or new product
    - Describe potential clients in the target market(s)
    - What is your competitive advantage in the target market(s)?
    (Instruction: Please add in narrative form the potential opportunities for your business after the successful completion of the BAS project.)

    14.What will happen if PEAK does not provide you with a subsidy?

    The project will not proceed because:The project will go ahead in a less professional manner because:The project will be delayed/postponed because:The project will go ahead as planned.

    Please choose relevant option and write the reason in box

    15.Expected Start date of the Project

    16.Expected End date of Project

    17.Expected duration of project

    18.Please list the BASPs who will be involved in the BAS project implementation.

    1.BASP name (first and last name)

    Expertise area

    No. of days required

    Daily fee rate including all taxes and payments (KGS)

    2.BASP name (first and last name)

    Expertise area

    No. of days required

    Daily fee rate including all taxes and payments (KGS)

    3.BASP name (first and last name)

    Expertise area

    No. of days required

    Daily fee rate including all taxes and payments (KGS)

    4.BASP name (first and last name)

    Expertise area

    No. of days required

    Daily fee rate including all taxes and payments (KGS)

    5.BASP name (first and last name)

    Expertise area

    No. of days required

    Daily fee rate including all taxes and payments (KGS)

    19.Total cost of BAS Project (KGS)

    Total cost of BAS Project (KGS)

    Cost covered by PEAK (up to 75%(*) cost share)

    Cost covered by MSME (minimum 25% cost share)

    BASP fee(KGS)

    BASP fee(KGS)

    Operational expenses,NOT MORE than 5% of the total budget(KGS)

    *PEAK will consider a cost share of 85% of the total project cost for enterprises that are owned by women, youth, returning migrants or other ‘disadvantaged’ groups

    20.Please download and provide a breakdown of project activities and results, fill in and attach to this application

    The following documents should be attached:
    1) Signed Self-Declaration(download)
    2) Description of the activities
    3) for LLC – annual balance sheet, including all attachments or combined tax declaration, for Individual entrepreneur – combined tax declaration if it is available/ current patent
    4) other additional documents

    © PEAK, 2023

    © PEAK, 2023