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Three Tech Startups from Kyrgyzstan Enrolled to IGNITE 2020

On June 29, 2020, three tech startups from Kyrgyzstan start their journey with Ignite 2020 programme of the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. This is the first time in Ignite’s 20 years that entrepreneurs from Kyrgyzstan are participating. This opportunity was granted to Kyrgyzstan as a result of the strategic partnership between the Cambridge...

PEAK Programme is Seeking Proposals for Co-Establishment of Business Innovation Centres in Osh, Jalalabad, Naryn and Issyk Kul

The PEAK Enterprise & Innovation Programme (or ‘PEAK Programme’) is a 4-year programme funded by the UK Department for International Development and implemented by DAI Europe in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (PEAK Kyrgyzstan and PEAK Tajikistan respectively). PEAK aims to increase innovation and growth in start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium-Sized companies (MSMEs) by establishing five...

On April 3, PEAK Bishkek organized webinar titled "State of emergency in Kyrgyzstan: legal implications for businesses, fulfillment of contractual obligations, regulation of labor relations with employees" with the participation of qualified lawyer Nargiza Abdraimova. Nargiza Abdraimova manages DE URE Consult law firm. Since 2014, she has been a trainer of mini- MBA business courses...

PEAK Bishkek is Working Online

PEAK Bishkek is making all its activities online since March 16, 2020, per recommendations of the KR Security Council for Prevention of the Spread of Coronavirus in the Kyrgyz Republic. Open lectures, trainings and workshops will be held as webinar events. Sessions for the Tech Acceleration Programme participants will be regularly held in online regime...

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